Thursday, October 11, 2012

9th Grade Teams! CLICK HERE! Tikkun, 10/11/12. Esperanza, 10/15/12. Fortitude, 10/16/12. Integrity, 10/16/12

Objectives of Scene Design

The scene designer has the following objectives:

1. Creating an environment for the performers and for the performance.
2. Helping to set the mood and style of the production.
3. Helping to distinguish realistic from nonrealistic theatre.
4. Establishing the locale and period in which the play takes place.
5. Evolving a design concept in concert with the director and the other designers.
6. Where appropriate, providing a central image or visual metaphor for the production.
7. Ensuring that the scenery is coordinated with other production elements.
8. Solving practical design problems.

Elements of Design

In bringing her ideas to fulfillment, the set designer makes use of the following elements:

1. Line, the outline or silhouette of elements onstage--for example, curved lines vs. sharp angular lines
2. Mass and composition, the balance and arrangement of elements--eg. a series of high, heavy platforms or fortress walls vs. a bare stage or a stage with one tree on it.
3. Texture, the "feel" projected by surfaces and fabrics--eg. the slickness of chrome or glass vs. roughness of brick or burlap
4. Color, the shadings and contrasts of color combinations
5. Rhythm (visual rhythm)--the repetition of shape, color and texture in a regular or irregular pattern in a design.


1) How does the set designer use the elements listed above to achieve his/her objectives?

2) Think back to your theatre-going experiences. Which of the elements of design stand out to you? Why?


  1. 1. The set designer uses the elements to achieve their goal because the set designer has to depend non the elements in order to achieve their objectives.
    (Ex. In order to create the environment needed for the performance, the set designer would have to use the elements above to create it.)

    2. The color and the rhythm stood out to me because the color helped to establish the environment as well as the mood that I was feeling. As for the rhythm, it helped to make the pieces of the designs fit with the setting of the play as well as the characters.

  2. 1.The set designer uses the elements to achieve their goals because the elements they have to use each one of elements in order to create a successful play. For example, for rhythm the set designer has to know what color choice and the shape and this will help them with creating the right type of environment for the actor as well as the play in general.

    2.The element that stands out to me is color because the color choice has to match with the tone of the play.If the play is about death it probably shouldnt have vibrant colors like red or yellow it should have colors like grey or blue which go more according to the theme.

  3. Willma Arias de la Rosa E 10-15-12

    1. The set designer uses the elements above to achieve his/her goals objectives because all of those aspects help to determine the overall mood of the play. The different elements included in the play such as the set and the colors in the play all contribute and coincide to the set designer's goal.

    2. The elements of rhythm and color stand out to me. Rhythm stands out to me because those repeated ideas or visuals are done purposefully to get the audience to remember what actually occurs in the play. They are strategies that help make the piece memorable. Color also stands out to me because it affects the mood of the play in its entirety. Dark colors would make the play seem somber while bright colors would make it appear joyous.

  4. Tyanna Hawkins Esperanza
    1. The set designer uses these elements to achieve their adjective because the play must look presentable, professional and believable. This makes or brakes the overall mood of the play.

    2. Based on my theatre -going experiences the element of design that most stand out to me is the Rhythm because of the performers interacting with the background and the set design. The colors and visuals may pop out at some people for instance the nut cracker, their performance and interactions with each other during the scene was very captivating when I was seven.

  5. 1.They use to get the set to how the play is. the use how the mood is in the play o get to the play and be good.

    2. the color because the color is very important. color is a symbol and what the color is the mood of the scene and it is very important.

  6. Ashlynn Barreto Integrity
    1. The set designer uses the elements listed above to achieve his/her objectives by going ahead and setting the mood and tone of the scene. also, by these elements it helps the set designer set their goals.

    2. The element of design that stands out to me is color because the color brings out the mood and tone of the scene.

  7. Diana Glah Fortitude
    1. The set design that uses these elements help achieve the objectives because it makes the play look differnt and unique from other plays. This will make the play's mood affect the audience more than if it were boring and shallow.

    2. The elmemnt of design that is the most important is the color because it makes it look different from plays that have other colors. The colors stand out to me the most and make the play experience more exciting for me.

  8. Cyanni Heyward OCT.16,2012
    1. The set designer uses the elements because they have to be able to take the play and put it into the set. The set is just another way of explaining the lifestyle of a character or the time period of the play.

    2. The element that stands out is mass and composition. From the example, with mass and composition, you can tell how well a character is living vs. a poor lifestyle. With mass and composition, the audience can tell the mood of the play due to the lack of space usage or the extreme amount of space used for extraordinary, heavy objects.

  9. 1. The set designer uses these elements to achieve their objectives by setting the mood of the scene.

    2. The mass and composition of the set design stands out the most to me because thats basically what's on stage. Personally, I look at everything on stage and try and notice what makes the set unique from another of a different play or from another scene within the same play.

  10. 1)the set designer needs to use the elements in order to fulfill her/his objective because the set design visually could tell more more about the play then the script ever will. when ever a person in the audience is confused about what is going on in the play, it is always helpful to look around, see the lighting. the shade of color that the props have, and everything around them. because overall, the set is a thumbnail sketch of what the actors emotions, the level of danger or emotion that the actors are feeling. and basically with the set designers didn't use the elements the tone/ mood of the play would be ruined.

    2) I think that color stands out to e the most because if the scene in the play is a person about to fall off a clift because his brother pushed him. the color of the props/lighting aren't going to be bright with rainbows all over the place. its going to be more of a dark place with a lot of lighting going on and something that just makes the audience fell the excitement that is going on in that moment.

  11. 1. The set designer needs to use the elments above in order to fulfill his or her objective to make sure they are setting the write mood and to send the audience the feeling that they should have and also to make the play seem real.

    2.The most important element to me is the color because that really tells the mood and the first thing the audience looks at is the stage and its color. The colors seem to drag the audience into the play more than the others.

  12. 1)The set designer needs to use the elements above in order to achieve their objective by setting the right mood of the play, to give the audience a thought of what the scene's feeling is about.

    2)The most important element to me is the color, because it helps you set the mood to the audience and also gives you a visual of what mood the scene is supposed to be in.

  13. Ti-niygah Moore 10.16.12
    1. The set designer uses the element above to achieve her goals because she/he sets the mood of the play and the tone.

    2. The most important element to me is the color because this is the first thing that the audience sees and it allows them to know what the mood and tone of the play will be.

  14. Fortitude
    1. The set designer use these elements to achieve their objective by using the line , texture ,color and the rhythm for to create the mood of the play. They use the mass and composition to make an environment for the actors. Also they use texture to make central images and/or metaphor.

    2. What stood out to me during my theater experiences are that the warm colors of the background shows the mood of the play. since it was close to thanksgiving the colors was mostly brown, red, and black. There was a lot of space to perform,so there was mass and composition. Last but not less texture was use in my theater experiences in the past.

  15. India Green
    1. The set designer uses the elements above to fulfill his/her objective by giving the audience a sense of the tone and mood that is being portrayed throughout the entire production. the way the props look or feel may express a time period of the production or what the characters want to reveal to the viewers.

    2. Color and rhythm are the two most important elements to me because personally, i think the coloring of the scenery brings the production alive and it also pulls the viewers into what is happening. if the back drop is a smokey grey, then the audience would automatically get that the scene maybe about a sad moment. It'll give off a somber emotion. Rhythm is important because if you continuously see one specific color, shape, or pattern then obviously it is symbolizes something major in the production that maybe led it to its success.

    October 16, 2012 6:21 PM

  16. 1) The set designer uses the elements to help achieve his goal by evicting emotional scenery through the color and texture, mass and rhythm of the scene. The elements show a time period and place, emotion, and more and all this fulfill their goals.

    2)The texture stands out to me the most due to the impracticality of it. How can the audience feel the texture, they can't go on stage and feel it. So how exactly do the designers incorporate the texture into their element to fulfill their goals.

  17. 1.The set designer uses color to achieve their objective in a play because they want to set a mood for the audience and what the play is going to be about in a specific scene.

    2.Colors stand out to me because the different colors of the season can get people into different moods and this similar to a scene and how it gets people to feeling many emotions on certain things happening in a play

  18. 1)The set design uses the element to achieve his or her objective because they set the tone & mood of the production through visual appearence & the expression of the lines.

    2) The element that stands out to me the most is color because it sets the mood in which the production potrays & gives the audience a feel for what is going to occur during transitions and main events.

  19. 1)The set designer uses the elements to achieve his/her objective because when he/she uses elements,the audience understands the play better.
    2)The color stands out to me because when I see the set's color,I can understand the play more.(ex:dark blue=sad mood)

  20. Kristie Valentin, Integrity.
    1. The set designer uses the elements above in order to achieve their objectives. These achievements are centered around setting the proper tone & mood for a play or scene and, therefore, add this through different elements.

    2. I feel as though line stands out to me most. Lines and silhouettes can truly set different moods. very angular lines, when incorporated with color can set a very defined, or set mood all throughout a play. However, curved, wavy lines, when incorporated with color can set a very happy mood, or a mood that the audience can have fun with.

  21. Briana Vera
    The set designer uses the elements to show what the audience how the characters in the play show the feeling and mood through how the characters feel and show the emotion and colors used.
    The texture and rhythm stand out more to me because they are what the audience mainly look at while at a performance to get an idea on what they think will be happening and to get an idea on the time frame/where they will be introduced to.

  22. 1. The set designer uses elements listed above by setting the tone/feel, and visual rhythm of the play. To do so, for example she constantly uses repetition of shape, color and texture.

    2. The elements that stand our to me the most based on my past theatre experiences are colors because to me, colors set the whole "mood" of the play. i.e: bright colors might represent the positive mood of a play, while dark colors may most likely represent the negative tone or mood of a play

  23. Imani Williams Fortitude
    1.The set designer uses the elements by setting the mood and tone of the play. If the set designer did not do this then the audience will get lost through out the play and might not understand it. For expel if there want a complete visual then no one would understand it because the visual might not be in order or vivid.
    2.The most important thing to me is the rhythm because as a set designer you can make the play have repeated themes that will make the play more interesting. For example when you have repeated colts then people will know that the theme relates to the color.

  24. Leo Smith Fortitude
    1.) I believe that set design creates a mood or tone for the play. It allows the director to convey their vision through the set. Giving the auidience a relatable setting that provides a background into the character's past. 2.) The element that stood out to me was mass and composition . This is the whole entire set, this is where everything happens. The set has a major affect on the audience . It can also differentiate a person's experience in a play and another play.

  25. 1. The set designer used the elements because they described the emotion that is in the setting. If the color is dark then you could tell that the play is going to be dark and serious

    2. Texture stands out the most for me because you would be able to get a feel of how the setting looks based on the clothes and background it infers the time period that the play is based in

  26. 1)the set designer uses the elements shown up top so that he/she can make place in which the actor and the director can set the mood of the play so that the audience can see how the play is going to be like.
    2)elements that stand out to me the due to my past theatre experiences would the texture and also things that stand out to with some other things
